Blackout Industry Evaluation: Mental Health
15 September 2019
Blackout is an immersive installation created by Guildford School of Acting lighting tutor Mig Burgess. The installation harnesses the power of light, sound and video to portray what it feels like to have Bipolar II disorder and aims to affect the way people view mental health conditions. Staged in a closed black box, Blackout is experienced alone for six minutes.
Important research is being conducted alongside Blackout, with Dr Paul Hanna of the University of Surrey asking people about their view on mental heath.
They are trying to gain a better understanding of mental health issues within the industry workforce and also to explore what could change to better support the industry workforce.
The survey should take 5-10 minutes, and your responses will be kept confidential and completely anonymous. Your participation is completely voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any point.
The evaluation is open until Monday 7th October.
Please fill in the Technical Backstage Entertainment Industry Mental Health Evaluation here.
Thank you again for your support.