ABTT Summer School 2023: Limited Spaces Available!

26 June 2023

The ABTT offers a wide range of practical Technical Courses each year. These are scheduled throughout the year, with our ABTT Summer School 2023 being run at Warwick Arts Centre in July-August this year. Make sure you don’t miss out as there are only Limited spaces remaining!

Our Silver Awards Course are running this year  between 31st July – 4th August at Warwick Arts Centre.

Our Silver award allows you to specialise your expertise in areas such as:

Silver award for Sound Technicians – Fully Booked!
Silver Award for Theatre Electricians – Final spaces remaining! book your place here.
Silver Award for Stage Technicians – Final spaces remaining book your place here.

If you would like more information on our Silver Award Courses please email admin@abtt.org.uk

Find out more on all our training courses here!