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This seminar was chaired by Lucy Kerbel founder of Tonic Theatre who help achieve greater equality, diversity & inclusion in the arts. Lucy was joined by Emma Rees from StageSight, Jai Morjaria, Chair of the ALD’s Diversity Committee, Andrew Miller a founder of #WeShallNotBeRemoved, Sammy Willbourne from TheatreCallToAction, Zoe Milton from the ASD, Ian Manborde the Equality and Diversity Organiser for Equity and Janice Turner from Bectu. Our industry panel of experts discussed diversity in the arts and the organisations and initiatives that you can get involved with. This session was recorded and the recording and relevant links and resources shared and discussed can be found below and are available to ABTT Members as a direct benefit of membership.
Alternatively, if you are not yet a member you can find out more about membership here, or join as a member of the ABTT here to access this content.
If you have any questions, please email Thank you.
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