Call for Proposals: 2021 OISTAT Education Week
2 June 2021
The OISTAT Education Commission is planning for a second “Education Week” virtual conference this year, to be held July 6th-9th, 2021. The goal of this week of sessions is to celebrate the successes that many demonstrated with the sudden shift to distance education, and to collect & discuss the positive things that we all learned from the experience.
There are certainly many aspects of teaching & learning during COVID times that were challenging, and hopefully we won’t need to revisit that situation anytime soon, but I’ve heard from numerous people that there are some new ways of teaching that were informed or created by the pandemic. For example, I translated the teaching of photometrics from pencil & paper to a Zoom presentation, which I plan to use from now on, as I feel it is easier for everyone in the class to see during the demonstration.
As part of the 4-day schedule, I have ten half-hour slots that we are opening up for presentations about distance education. I suggest about 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for a brief Q&A. You are welcome to share a particular distance-education project that went well, a teaching method that you will continue to use in the future, or even information about how you were able to adapt & present performances. I am inviting faculty & students to submit a brief proposal for a session via email to
Please provide the following information:
- Session Title:
- Presenter(s) Name & Email:
- Presenter(s) Time Zone in July:
- Available Time Slots (02:00-04:00 & 14:00-16:00, July 6- July 9 in GMT/UTC+0):
- Description of Session (1-2 paragraphs max):
*The recording of the session will be published on OISTAT Channel for educational purpose.
For those of you who are educators, PLEASE encourage your students to participate, and we would love to see sessions proposed by students or faculty & student teams. Proposals Due June 18th, and the full schedule of the event will be available by June 25th. Thank you for considering this opportunity & we look forward to hearing about these new ways of teaching & learning.