Who we are:

Founded by ABTT Young Associate Representative Tamykha Patterson, a past apprentice herself, the ABTT Apprenticeship Network is made up of current, Aspiring, and Graduated apprentices, alongside those who have helped create the apprenticeship schemes as well as the people who run and support them. The network is overseen by the ABTT but is open to all, not just those within theatre and live events.

What we do:

The purpose of this group is to:

1. To provide a safe space for discussions and questions about the creative technical apprenticeship schemes around the UK.

2. To build a community of Apprentices where members can speak about their experiences with others in a similar situation.

3. Provide networking events, resources and guidance for Apprentices throughout the UK.


Why we do it:

This group has been created to enable all graduated, current, and aspiring Apprentices a much-needed safe space to ask questions and to seek advice. It is a space for any and all apprentices to ask and answer questions, to ask for and provide advice or help with no judgement. The network is open to technical apprentices from any creative industry as we understand that many of the skills are transferable, and this allows for increased communication between industries and a wider support network.

How to join:

1. Create a professional profile on LinkedInto help showcase your experiences and knowledge.

2. Join the ABTT Apprentice Network for Creative Industries

3. Be as involved as you want! If you have ideas on events, socials or resources that could be run or shared please get in contact – we’d love to hear from you! This network is run by and for  Apprentices so tell us what you need and we’ll do our best to make it happen!

Email: admin@abtt.org.uk
Phone: 0207 242 9200


Relevant Resources:

ABTT Apprenticeship Network Discord server

The ABTT Apprenticeship Network Discord server is an exclusive space for apprentices to connect. The Network was founded to create a community and safe space for apprentices: graduated, present, and aspiring to connect with each other and share their knowledge and experiences with their peers. Discord is free to use and keeps everyone’s personal information private, all it requires is for people to have a discord account verified through an email address. Discord allows apprentices to keep talking to each other beyond Network events also including a forum help page where it’s easy to ask and answer questions. If you are interested in joining the Discord server please contact, admin@abtt.org.uk.

Backstage Apprenticeship Resources Page

The information on our Backstage Apprenticeship Resources Page has been collated to provide you with relevant networking events, resources and guidance for Apprentices throughout the UK. Please see below. If you know of any resources that should be included please email admin@abtt.org.uk