Who we are:

The Stephen Joseph Committee (previously the Stephen Joseph Association) grew from a small nucleus of professional theatre practitioners who had known or been influenced by Stephen Joseph. They first met in Scarborough in 2017 and became known as the ‘Legacy Group’. Later they formalised the group as the Stephen Joseph Association (SJA) with a Constitution and Steering Committee and in 2019 became a committee of ABTT and changed the name, but not its aim, to SJC. The SJC was formed to support and celebrate the life work of Stephen Joseph as director and teacher, and as the pioneer of theatre-in-the-round in the UK. His legacy and name live on though the theatres he created, and also through the events, awards and seminars hosted by the SJC.

We celebrate the theatrical legacy of Stephen Joseph (1921-1967), producer and teacher, founder member of ABTT, and pioneer of theatre-in-the-round. Inspired by his example our mission is to encourage creative innovation, and technical and craft excellence in live theatre today, especially where these enhance the Actor/Audience relationship.

Our Aims are:

  • To promote Stephen Joseph’s legacy and extend awareness of his influence on both historic and current innovations in performance.
  • To recognise and promote innovative theatre practice – in writing, performance, use of theatrical space and the relationship between performer and audience.
  • To initiate and implement projects and collaborations with others, which draw together some of the different creative, technical and craft-based strands of the industry (eg.via seminars, back-stage theatre visits and publications).
  • To increase awareness and uptake of the ABTT Stephen Joseph Award as an annual national event that recognises innovative, and inclusive theatre excellence.


Who was Stephen Joseph?

You can also find more information on who Stephen was here.

What does the SJC do:

The aim of the SJC is to promote Stephen’s legacy and, in particular, to celebrate this with projects and collaborations which investigate and extend the awareness of his influence on the design and development of new theatre forms, writing and performance.

To mark the centenary year of Stephen Joseph’s birth and the 60th anniversary of the founding of ABTT, the Stephen Joseph Committee of the ABTT established a new Award in 2021 to commemorate the life and work of this maverick theatrical genius.

– Stephen Joseph Award 2021
– Stephen Joseph Award 2022
– Stephen Joseph Award 2023

The ABTT Stephen Joseph Award 2024 is now open for nominations, find out more here.

ABTT/SJC Seminars

The ABTT and SJC  produced a number of seminars since the inception as a Committee of the ABTT. These cover a wide variety of topics relating to Stephen Joseph and the ABTT and can be found here.

How you can join:

As with all ABTT Committees these are free to join. You can sign up when joining or renewing your ABTT Membership online by selecting the tick box “Join the SJC” while completing your ABTT Membership Application Form.

Alternatively – you simply need to email on admin@abtt.org.uk and let us know that you wish to join.