ABTT Gold Award for Theatre Technicians
The ABTT Gold Award for Theatre Technicians is an SCQF Level 9 qualification which is recognised throughout the Industry. This is a practical course which intertwines theory and practice to ensure your you can manage a safe working environment within the Theatre or place of entertainment.
What is the ABTT Gold Award for Theatre Technicians?
The Gold Award is a two day course designed to support the candidate for a role in which they will have responsibility for the management of the working environment and the practices therein.
Who can do the course?
Candidates wishing to pursue the Gold Award should have attained a similar level of understanding and comprehension as achieved by pursuing the Bronze and Silver courses. At Gold level candidates cover formal risk management skills required by managers, HODs or supervisors.
How is the course structured?
The Gold Award is delivered over two days as follows:
Risk Management 1
Risk Management 2
Technical Standards for Places of Entertainment
Written Assignment
What does the course cover?
Risk Management 1
This course covers the important aspects of the management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, and deals with the requirement for risk assessment, how to carry out risk assessments and how to record them. It identifies what actions are required under the regulations in terms of supervision,
training, provision of information and ensuring the execution of competent risk assessments by managers and supervisors. The Award takes place in the workplace environment in order to give candidates a clear grasp of current requirements.
The course also examines roles in emergency/disaster plans, including the use of fire fighting and other emergency equipment: reporting on accidents and workplace hazards; the objectives of the accident investigation procedure; how to contribute to safety committee meetings; the benefits of good housekeeping and how to achieve acceptable standards and general practices for both on and off the job safety.
The course examines: attitudes towards safety; human behaviour.
Risk Management 2
A practical session following on from Risk Management 1 where candidates, working in groups, will complete a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.
Technical Standards for Places of Entertainment
Understanding and use of Codes of Practice and Technical Standards for Places of Entertainment as well as Sustainability and the ABTT Theatre Green Book
Gold Assignment Brief:
The candidate should complete a minimum of 2500 (no more than 3000) words report based upon a chosen topic. All course work must be in their own words.
The objective of the assignment is an opportunity to demonstrate how the application of knowledge and experience has helped the candidate in the safe practice technical theatre.
What will I be able to do at the end of the course?
• Identify legal requirements for the provision of health and safety in the work place
• Identify sources of guidance for compliance with legal requirements
• Develop procedures to ensure adequate management of health & safety in the work place
• Undertake a comprehensive and detailed Risk Assessment
• Develop and record detailed method statements to achieve the control measures identified by a risk assessment.
How much does the course cost?
ABTT Members: £530 + VAT
Non-ABTT Members: £664 + VAT
You will require a current edition of Technical Standards for Places of Entertainment.
To apply you must have supervising experience. It is open to Members, non-members, HDOs and Supervisors.
How do I apply for the course?
To apply for the course, simply fill in the form below and return to the ABTT Office via email. Please be aware that your course place will not be secured until full payment or purchase order has been received.
The ABTT Gold Award for Theatre Technicians is run once a year at the ABTT Summer School at Warwick Arts Centre, usually around the end of July and start of August each year. Once it is avaiable to be booked you can find it listed on the Training and Events Calendar.
ABTT Gold Award Candidate, 2017I found this course incredibly valuable and informative. It was well designed, written and presented. Being held in a working theatrical environment meant that we were able to visit parts of the building to put what we had learnt in to practice, writing our own risk assessments on different parts of the site etc, which we were then able to evaluate as a group which further strengthened our knowledge.

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