ABTT Silver Award for Sound Technicians

The ABTT Silver Award Courses are SCQF Level 8 qualifications which are recognised throughout the Industry. This is a practical course which intertwines theory and practice to ensure your day-to-day skills are validated while helping you specialise and refine your skill set for certain roles.

What is the Silver Award for Sound Technicians?

The Silver Award is a five day course which gives candidates more in-depth knowledge and understanding of best practice in Theatre Sound Engineering. It allows candidates to specialise further and validate experience in a specific area whilst progressing on from the Bronze Award.

Who can do the course?

Candidates wanting to pursue the Silver Award for Sound Technicians should have gained the knowledge and skills covered by the Bronze Award prior to considering undertaking this course.

How is the course structured?

The course is split in to six sections, these include:

1. In-Service Inspection & Testing of Electrical Equipment (IET)

2. Sound Essentials

3. Advanced Sound

4. Communications

5. Electronics Fundamentals Part 1

6. Electronics Fundamentals Part 2

The training is followed by the Silver Award Test.


What is covered in the course?

Courses 1: In-Service Inspection & Testing of Electrical Equipment (IET): The course describes systems to organise the portable appliance testing of theatre electrical equipment and for theatre electricians to comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations for inspection & testing of portable appliances. The course includes visual inspection and electrical testing; testing periods; record keeping; managing the system of inspection and testing and selection of suitable testing instruments.

Course 2: Sound Essentials: Sound Essentials covers the important theoretical knowledge that a competent sound technician needs to understand. Topics include: understanding the fundamentals of sound; making the right connections; gain structure; signal to noise ratio; loudspeaker impedance; microphone types and a brief introduction to digital theory.

Course 3: Advanced Sound: This course covers the more advanced theoretical and practical skills that a sound technician requires. Topics include: sound wave theory; digital theory; MIDI; harmonic series; acoustics; reverberation time and Haas effect. Different styles of sound system plans will be examined and there will be a practical exercise using a computerised playback system. The course will also look at the knowledge required to design sound systems for musical theatre. Aspects discussed will be: different approaches to using microphones and loudspeakers; the use of radio microphones and in-ear monitoring; the effect that the venue acoustics will have on the sound and the part that the audience plays in the process

Course 4: Communications: The good sound technician needs to be proficient in sound communication systems used today. The Award looks at the different types of communication systems used in theatre to keep the show running reliably. The course discusses: wired headsets systems; show relay and paging; cue lights; CCTV; analogue and digital

Course 5 & 6 : Electronics Fundamentals part  1 & 2: The course teaches basic electronic theory and soldering skills as it relates to the entertainment industry. The course covers passive components and circuits, Kirchoff’s Laws, AC & DC, power, energy, Ohms Law, impedance, protective devices and rectification. Part 2 introduces active and semiconductor components and integrated circuits. By exploring some of the circuits within dimmers, lighting and sound control systems, operational amplifiers, power supplies and filter circuits are covered. The course also covers digital electronics and the conversion from/to analogue systems.

How do I progress after this course?

Once a Silver Award has been achieved, many students decide that they wish to broaden their skill set and do a further “Silver Award” course in a different area. Alternatively – some decide they want to progress on the final Gold Award Course once they have moved in to managerial roles.

We offer the Gold Award Course to support the candidate in managerial roles within the Industry. Candidates should have responsibility for the management of the working environment and the practices therein.

How much does the course cost?

ABTT Members: £896 + VAT
Non-ABTT Members: £1,019 + VAT
Cost includes RCS certification to SCQF Level 8, relevant ABTT Codes of Practice & Training Log book.
You must complete all five days and successfully complete the Silver Award test to obtain full accreditation.

How do I apply for the course?

To apply for the course, simply take a look on our Training and Events Calendar to see when the next course is running. The application form will be available on that page and you will just need to fill it in and return to the ABTT Office via email or post. Please be aware that your course place will not be secured until full payment or purchase order has been received.


The ABTT Silver Awards are run once a year at the ABTT Summer School at Warwick Arts Centre, usually around the end of July and start of August each year.

Alternatively, this course can be scheduled as in-venue training for Affiliated Organisations and ISG Members. To enquire about hosting this course please contact us on: training@abtt.org.uk

The wealth of experience from industry specialists added to the training content that was delivered bringing the content to life. Having worked in the industry as a manager for many years I was surprised at the amount of basic technical information that I didn’t know and so for me personally the course was extremely valuable….

ABTT Silver Candidate, Summer School 2018
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