ABTT In-service Inspection of Electrical Equipment Testing (PAT) (One day CPD Course)

What is the Portable Appliance Testing Course?

The Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) course is a one day which will set out systems to organise the portable appliance testing of theatre electrical equipment and for theatre electricians to comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations for inspection & testing of portable appliances.

What does the course cover?

The course will cover topics such as visual inspection and electrical testing; testing periods; record keeping; managing the system of inspection and testing; selection of suitable testing instruments. Following on from the governments Löfstedt Report, the course reflects the widely misunderstood requirement to carry out inspection annually, regardless of equipment, type, usage or environment, and the need to ‘risk assess’ the requirement for inspections and test. The course also covers the use of hired equipment, examining where responsibilities lie with reference to the hire company and the hirer.

How much does the course cost?

ABTT Members: £180 + VAT
Non-ABTT Members: £288 + VAT

How do I apply?

To apply for the course, simply take a look on our Training and Events Calendar to see when the next course is running. This course forms part of the ABTT Silver Award. The application form will be available on that page and you will just need to fill it in and return to the ABTT Office via email or post. Please be aware that your course place will not be secured until full payment or purchase order has been received.


This course forms part of the ABTT Silver Award Courses, this may be taken as a part of a larger course or can be sat as a one day module either within a scheduled course, as as in-venue training. Alternatively, this course can be scheduled as in-venue training for Affiliated Organisations and ISG Members. To enquire about hosting this course, or to find out when the next scheduled course is running, please contact us on: training@abtt.org.uk

There was a balance of theory and practical, doing actual P.A.T testing on the equipment, cable leads and sockets. Although I had done the insulation resistance (IR) test before, I actually learnt a variety of different types of P.A.T test that I did not know before. I thoroughly enjoyed doing the course and have learned an enormous amount, Thank you!

ABTT P.A.T Candidate 2018
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