Ecostage: Call for data via survey
16 November 2020
Ecostage is an online autonomous initiative launched in 2015. It is currently being re-envisioned by a group of ecologically-minded designers, as a go-to place for practical guidelines and ecological values, that helps all performing arts practitioners make their practices more sustainable. Use this site for ideas, case studies, and resources.
Ecostage: a free and accessible go-to site for unified ecological guidelines, with resources for a flourishing, fair, creative future in performance. Ecostage is intended for a cross section of theatre makers (not just designers), such as production managers, directors etc., answering a need for shared principles and joint objectives to use from the offset amongst the whole production team. It appeals to all sizes of companies and types of production needs, and to all stages of career.
Ecostage is running a survey which will provide really useful data for all of us in the performing arts. It’s very quick to do – no more than 5 mins – please fill it out: here’s the link