Become a Young Representative
The younger membership of the ABTT is the future of technical theatre in the United Kingdom, as such, it is crucially important that the views and opinions of this demographic are acknowledged. The young membership will also eventually govern the ABTT in years to come and so the more young members, the stronger a foundation for the ABTT to continue its vital work in the future.
Tamykha PattersonI am very passionate about theatre and helping Young People into backstage roles. As part of my training I completed ABTT Bronze Award, aspects of which I use in my day to day task as a lighting technician. As a Young Associate Representative I hope to make more people aware that the ABTT is a great foundation for training and information on safe working practices.
What is a Young Representative?
The Young Representative role is a position on the ABTT Council of Management. Their job is to ensure the voices of Young and Student Associates are heard by those that govern the ABTT. Young Representative can make recommendations and suggestions on how the ABTT should move forward to engage the young technicians in our Industry and get them more involved.
What do Young Representatives do?
Young Representatives attend meetings and advise the ABTT Council of Management during the decision making process (though they do not vote); they attend industry events, such as trade shows, to recruit new members and meet Young and Student Associates; they edit pages in Sightline which list news and advice for young members of the ABTT. On top of these points, the Young Representatives are always looking for new ways to improve the benefits young technical theatre professionals can gain from ABTT membership.
Why do we need Young Representatives?
The young membership of the ABTT is the future of technical theatre in the United Kingdom, as such, it is crucially important that the views and opinions of this demographic are acknowledged. The ABTT has a duty to provide support and guidance for young technical theatre professionals, to the benefit of the wider industry. The young membership will also eventually govern the ABTT in years to come and so the more young members, the stronger a foundation for the ABTT to continue its vital work in the future.
Who can become a Young Representative?
Any current Young Associate of the ABTT can apply to become a Young Representative. The term on Council for Young Representatives is one year, from January to December. However, after a year in office, if they are still eligible to hold the position, they may offer themselves to be co-opted again for another year. The Council hopes serving as a Young Representative will be a positive experience for anyone developing a career in technical theatre.
How do I become a Young Representative?
The ABTT Council would be delighted to receive an application from you for the role of Young Representative.
For the application you will need to submit a current CV with the names of two referees. The referees should be willing to be contacted by the ABTT and to broadly confirm the contents of your CV. In addition please send us a 250-word personal statement explaining why you would like to be a Young Representative. You may request or be invited to have a discussion about the role with current Council members and Representatives.
Financial reimbursement for reasonable costs for Young Representatives to attend meetings and other ABTT events is available.

Join the ABTT today!
Individuals, Theatres and Companies should join the ABTT and benefit from the full range of support, information and training that we can provide. The greatest asset the ABTT has to offer is its independence and strength in membership; people who work in and care about a successful theatre industry.
Join the ABTT today!