Theatres Trust and ABTT begin work developing practical advice on making theatre more sustainable.
4 December 2020
Making Theatre Sustainable initiative
Groups and individuals across theatre have been talking for some time about how to make theatre more sustainable and working on blueprints to promote change. Making Theatre Sustainable aims to bring that thinking together into one place, and develop it as straightforward, practical advice on the first steps everyone should be taking to make productions, theatre buildings and front-of-house operations sustainable.
This ‘Green Book’ of guidance for sustainable theatre will focus on first steps: what everyone can and should be doing to change their practice now, but it will also map out paths ahead, indicating what further steps might be needed to reach a sustainable future quickly.
The first part of the project is looking at productions – more work will be done on the other strands looking at theatre buildings and front-of-house operations the new year.
Green productions survey
To help us develop guidance on the ways in which practitioners can work towards creative, environmentally sound and low carbon productions, Buro Happold Sustainability has created a survey aiming to understand which green interventions are currently being used in theatre, and which remain challenging to achieve. This will help us to identify actions which unlock and enable more challenging green interventions, and to produce guidance on how theatres, companies, freelancers and production teams can jointly prioritise and work towards greener methods of production.
The survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete and will close at the end of Monday 21 December.
Multiple responses within organisations are welcome as individuals in different job roles may have different experiences, so we would be grateful if you could pass this email onto any colleagues who you think would have valuable insight to share.
All responses to this survey are anonymous and will not be linked to any organisation or individual.
Thanks to the following for their support with this project:
Aecom, Avison Young, Bristow Consulting, Buro Happold, Creu Cymru, English National Opera, Federation of Scottish Theatre, National Theatre, Paddy Dillon Architects, Royal Opera House and Theatres Trust.