Our Council & Team
The ABTT is run by a council made up of Full Members (voted in to position) who maintain the running of the ABTT Group. Our Council Board currently consists of 11 Trustee-Directors, each elected by the Membership. The Board is responsible for the overall management of the ABTT. Full Members of the ABTT can apply for these roles. ABTT's Council give vital support to help the ABTT steering and advising on our work.
ABTT Council (Trustee Directors)
The ABTT Trustee Directors make up our council. They are Full Members who have been voted in to position by our Membership.

Trustee and Co-chair: David Evans

Trustee and Co-Chair: Mig Burgess

Trustee and Vice-Chair: Oliver Brown

Trustee: Alexander Cann

Trustee: Anette Ollerearnshaw & Chair WHAM Committee

Trustee: Anton Woodward OBE

Trustee: Ben Stephen & Chair Communications and Publications Committee

Trustee: Emma Wilson MBE

Trustee: Mark Dakin

Trustee: Mathew Smethurst-Evans

Trustee: Suzy Somerville
ABTT Ex-Officio Members
An Ex-Officio member of the ABTT is someone who has earned the right of a position within a committee or other body by virtue of their position, knowledge or status within our Industry, or within the ABTT.

ABTT Apprenticeship Network Chair: Jack Davies

ABTT Cymru Committee Chair: Rhian Jones

Automation Committee Chair: Nick Page

CITEA Committee Chair: Caroline Townsend

Historical Research Committee Chair: Roger Fox

Honorary Secretary: Matthew Jones

Honorary Treasurer: Loretta Tomasi

OISTAT Committee Chair: Peter Maccoy

Safety Committee Chair: Michael Anderson

School Theatre Support Committee Chair: Paul Haynes

Sustainability Committee Chair: Danny Lennon

Theatre Design Committee Chair: Simon Harper

Training and Education Committee Chair: Sebastian Barnes
ABTT Young Associate Representatives
The Young and Student Representative roles are positions on the ABTT Council of Management. Their job is to ensure the voices of Young and Student Associates are heard by those that govern the ABTT.

Young Associate Representative: Jack Davies

Young Associate Representative: Joshua Burnside
ABTT Co-opted Members
A Co-opted member of the ABTT is someone who has been appointed to the membership of a committee or other body by invitation of the existing members.

Co-opted Member & NorthNet Committee Chair: Paul Moore

Co-opted Member: Gareth Evans

Co-opted member: Nikki Scott
ABTT Staff Members
The ABTT Staff Members, are Full-time staff who work in the ABTT Office.

ABTT Administrator: Amy Bodman

ABTT Association and Events Manager: Elysia Moore

ABTT CEO: Liz Sillett

ABTT Financial Controller: Stuart Roberts
The ABTT Team is made up of volunteers and consultants who hold expertise in their area of the Industry. They assist the ABTT by contributing their knowledge and time to ensure we run smoothly.

ABTT Training Coordinator: Louise Birchall

Electrical Safety Advisor: James Eade

Health and Safety Advisor – Melvin Sandell

Honorary ABTT Archivist: Jane Thornton

Sightline Editor: David Evans
Become a Full Member of the ABTT today!
It really is as simple as 1, 2, 3!
1. Submit your CV and 2 references via our online form.
2. We contact your references
3. Council reviews your application and we’ll let you know if you’ve been accepted!
Get your experience and knowledge validated by your peers today!